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Saturday, December 4, 2010


Healthy lifestyle does not count eating good diet and exercising also adds having a positive mental attitude into the equations...without any positive mental health, you won't be excited to experiment with healthy lifestyle. Your mental determines your attitude, and your attitude determine your lifestyle....
Basically, having a positive mental attitudes includes having a positive outlooks on live, and being happy and satisfied no matter what hardships come into your way...
yup..yup...being happy is the way to go...XD

Of course, that is all just my words (hehe)..
The EXACT definition of positive mental attitude is "a being of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community". * by WHO.

Being happy is what everyone wants to achieve and for different people, there are different kind of happiness they are looking for. Some search happiness in love because you know, LOVE TRIUMPHS ALL...

                               Love...the greatest gift of all....

Some people also acquire happiness when they achieved their ambitions and dreams ;some people just get excited and happy for no reason at all ( that is pretty weird, if you asked me..hmmm) ; and some people see money as their source of happiness.. 

                             Are you The SAME as him????                                                   

But, there are only a few numbers of lucky people who actually found true happiness in their lives. The rest of us just live our life in positive attitude, knowing that everything will turn out alright

Never underestimate the power of a Positive Attitude

Having a positive attitude in whatever you do will make things a lot more enjoyable and easier. Here are THREE simple but powerful TIPS to having a more positive attitude - and thus becoming a more powerful person...

1)  Takes passionate action in living your life. don't just get through the day...

Do something good and nice as you spend your day. If you want something, go for it. Remember, time will not wait for anyone.  Act instead of reacting. Don't wait until something bad happens then try to deal with it. You are responsible for what you make of the life you have, and you only have one, so don't waste it.


2. Learn to always be grateful for what you have.
  Having gratitude will get you more than never being satisfied. There's nothing wrong with having dreams and goals and desiring more out of life, but don't forget to be grateful for what you have already. even if your life is full of failure, be grateful for it. when you have accepted your weaknesses and failures, only then you can move on with your life and achieve greater things.        


Gratitude attracts POSITIVE ENERGY
3. always keep your sense of humour

 Learn to laugh and you will be more positive, especially if you can learn to laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself, or life, too seriously. Life is much too short to waste it moping around in self pity. A positive attitude can be born from a strong sense of humor.


Well, i know this isn't much, but i hope everyone reading this post will be inspired in one way or another....
Keep your spirit up, and be confident in YOU. Laugh always; it will not only lift up you mood and protects you from depression,  it also gives good effect on your physical health...    

Lastly, practice healthy lifestyle by practicing positive mental attitude.....See you NEXT TIME....* waving hand*                                        

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